Bioresonance or Biofeedback is the reading, processing, and analyzing of information discerned from the output of electromagnetic waves issued by the human body, including DNA and chromosomes. Bioresonance makes it possible to precisely define the character, origins, and degree of potential elements decoded by the Biofeedback system during a diagnostic session, and helps to forecast future health dynamics.
The bioinductor headset measures the state of all cells in the human body, and will detect the activity of bacteria, parasites, disease, other infectious agents, and issues inhabiting the body. The activity is measured through an input and return signal reading any disturbances in the cells or organs through cells. After detection of what is wrong, the frequencies then turn and correct the issues.
Metatherapy tunes into the frequency of the relevant tissues... correcting the pathology in organs and body cells. It can automatically localize where there are cell changes, inherited conditions, and finds the reason at the genetic level. Metatherapy stimulates the target area with the appropriate resonate frequencies and re-energizes the target area, such as the cells or organ, to assist in the natural healing processes of the body.
Rife Therapy
Rife therapy works by using a defined frequency of a determined condition. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Rife energy waves are a very low frequency and are considered to be non-invasive.
The Bio-Feedback device scans all body systems in a single session:
Nervous System
Neurological Disorders
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Endocrine System
Reproductive System
-It detects various disorders and infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and some cancers.
-It measures the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body. Those measures are then used to diagnose abnormal cells and disease.
Bio-Feedback will tune to the frequency of the relevant tissue as well as detect and correct the pathology in organs and body cells. It can automatically localize where there are cell changes, inherited conditions, and finds the reason at the genetic level.
This form of metatherapy then stimulates the target area with the appropriate resonate frequencies and re-energizes the targeted cells or organ, to restore its natural healing.
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